Latest fad or effective teaching strategy? How do you know? Join the discussion at 8pm

Teachers are often bombarded with a wealth of claims about classroom teaching techniques, but it can be difficult to figure out whether these are actually effective or not, and whether there is any research evidence behind them. Read more in the topic summary and join the conversation at 8pm tonight with other teachers and the following researchers:

  • Talk with Richard about randomised controlled trials, evidence-based practice in education and teacher training.
  • Chat with Alex about about how he makes research into spatial thinking relevant for the primary school classroom.
  • Talk with Paula about using psychological theory to develop and evaluate teaching and intervention strategies.
  • Converse with Courtney about the challenges and benefits of research that links neuroscience, psychology, and education.

Log in to the Learning Zone and head to the Live Chat Page for 8pm to dive into the discussion and ask anything you like about evidence in the classroom.

In the news

Bringing scientific evidence to the classroom – Blog on Learning and Development

Connecting the Dots between Education Research and Classroom Teachers – Education Week

What have teachers been asking?

We’ve already had a number of questions relating to evidence and research. Help our researchers understand your views and needs by adding a comment:

Live chat

Join the live chat tonight at 8pm.

Can’t make it tonight? Make a note of the next live chat date – Tuesday 13th March, 8-9pm.

Posted on March 8, 2018 by in News. Comments Off on Latest fad or effective teaching strategy? How do you know? Join the discussion at 8pm