• Question: hello I am a French teacher. sorry for my bad English. In my classrooms There are more and more pupils with disorders like dyslexia. Can we explain this fact ?

    Asked by dubocs to Michael, Anna R on 14 Apr 2015.
    • Photo: Anna Remington

      Anna Remington answered on 14 Apr 2015:

      I can’t speak specifically about dyslexia, but there is a similar increase in autism rates (which I know more about) so I’ll answer based on that!

      Many people are worried about the rising rates of these conditions. In fact it is likely that this is related to better awareness, and not that the traits are actually becoming more common. This improved awareness means that teachers and GPs are better at spotting the characteristics of autism, dyslexia and other conditions, so children who previously would not have received a diagnosis are now getting one. It’s likely that these children always had the same traits and difficulties in the classroom, they just weren’t identified formally.

      Changes in the way that we diagnose various conditions over the past few years may also be having an impact on the rates as it changes who is (and isn’t) included in a particular clinical group.
